Staff Fire Safety Training Redhill

If you’re a Redhill business owner with your own commercial property, or manage or control business premises in Redhill, it’s your obligation, by law, to protect everyone who works and resides within these premises.
Many Crawley business owners know fire safety training is a legal requirement and have selected our courses to train their staff.

This responsibility goes beyond the fundamentals of health and safety. One of the most crucial areas you’ll need to focus on is fire safety training.

All businesses have a responsibility to train their employees and the appointed fire wardens/marshals in the actions they should take in the event of fire.

Legal Obligations

Fire Safety Training courses are normally held on the customer’s premises and can be tailored to meet individual needs and satisfy the legal obligations placed upon them by current fire legislation. Wherever possible, our site courses are reinforced with a practical demonstration, including a live fire demonstration, in which delegates can extinguish live fires using a range of different extinguishers.

Our range of fire safety training for Redhill businesses includes:

  • On-Site Basic Fire Introduction Course
  • On-Site Fire Awareness Course
  • On -Site Fire Warden Course
  • E – Learning Fire Awareness Training
  • E – Learning Fire Warden Course
Our courses are usually held at your premises as we know your staff’s time is valuable. The fire safety training we provide can be tailored to suit the individual needs of your business (whether you have one or two employees or hundreds).


If possible, we will demonstrate how to extinguish a real fire and give trainees ‘hands on’ experience if they wish, using a range of different extinguishers.

SEFP can ensure you meet the necessary fire safety training regulations for your Redhill premises.

Where onsite training isn’t achievable we offer the alternative of online courses.

Staff Fire Safety Training Redhill